
Here ye! Here ye! In honor of the most recent Femme Fatale to join Miss Britney Spears’ world tour, we are sponsoring the first ever Lil Nicki Look-A-Like Kontest.


Last Week we asked our readers to submit piks of their pooches doing their best Nicki Minaj impersonation…How you doin?

The only catch was that only inkredibly kute puppies were allowed to enter and our loyal followers did not dissapoint…..Regulators!!!!! Mount Up!

Kontestant #1

Pink Wig for Dogs

There could be a Pantene Pro-V commercial in your future

Kontestant #2


Not sure if that’s a wig or your real hair but way to play hard to get

Kontestant #3

bulldog pink wig

Bravo to our plus size entrant Joanie Pie

Kontestant #4

white dog pink wig

Kan u say Blue Steel? You better work bitch!

Kontestant #5

pug pink wig

Who knew Virgina was home to the kutest pugs on Earth? Frank the Tank, Frank the Tank!

Kontestant #6

Yorkie Pink Wig

Walk of Shame after a long night with Frank

Kontestant #7

King Charles pink hair extension

Understated and Elegant – way to personalize the look

Vote as much as you want. The polls officially close this Friday at Midnight

KuteNKrispy will be live from the trenches of the Femme Fatale Tour Las Vegas Show – Time for Total Doll Domination!

Femme Fatale Tour_Nicki and Britney

Luckily, Hooters Hotel stepped up. Not only did they comp our rooms. They also comped us $100 of “promotional slot play”, two blended drinks, and the deciding factor…. all we can eat 25cent HOT WINGS or as we call it “Promotional Bone Play”!!!!

So here is your plug Hooters Hotel and Casino…. You earned it!

Hooter Hotel las vegas

hot wings hooters girls

Heehee…American kulture so funnie

hooters hot wing special

And dont forget…Support your local Wing Shoppe! Who needs Groupon when its already Wingsday?

Hey Kute’N’Krispy Fans!!!! Time to get your eyes wide… its pollster Fridayzzz!!!!!

In honor of the Royal Wedding, we are dying to know…

What breed of Dog does Princess Kate Middleton most resemble?

A) Spaniel

Spaniels are just like Kate…commoners that dream of becoming royalty one day by marrying a Cavalier King Charles.

B) Lhasa Apso

The future is so bright, Kate’s gotta wear shades…and kuz she is hella hungover, doy

C) Chinese Crested


I must have got a hold of some bad Kimchee in my Korean taco today because I’m seeing DOUBLE! This one could be too close to call!!!!!

We wanna hear from all our fans via comment. Most insightful comment will receive a free case of Kona Deep Bottled Sea Water!!!

Go Deep!

Posted on: April 5, 2011

75% of the Earth’s surface is ocean water and until today, it wasn’t safe to drink!

But now it isss!!!

KONA DEEP is 3000 year old glacier water from Greenland that’s pumped off the Kona coast from a depth of 2000 ft! It’s the only bottled water with naturally occurring electrolytes! So yummy when I’m hung over from soju! Ultimate Karaoke Kure!



Pleeeeeeeeaaaase donate to the American Red Cross! And enter the code, “kutenkrispy” to make sure your money goes straight to the puppies.


Something terrible has happened!  Grab your pets and move to higher ground!!!! A massive wave is coming! And not the cool one like 80’s nu wave! The sea is kamikazi-ing our village!




Can you believe it, a dolphin!!!!!

Me, Ikko, live blogging. Times are so tough, I’m even cuddling with an ugly lab named Marley-Gyoza, he’s a hapa from Mount Fuji.

Even the kuties weren’t spared. . . 😦

. . . A bunny sandwich, you big dummy!!! Hold the miso mayo, hold the tobiko flakes!

Lionhead Bunnie

Lionhead Bunnie

Lionhead Bunnies are the new chihuahua. Lionhead bunnies make a great pet and a hella kute accessorie for any outfit! They are quiet and can be trained – perfect for apartment living. Plus they love to travel around the city with you everywhere you go –  a real life Tamagotchi! These adorable lil guys will make you forget all your abandonement issues while pulling off leggings and a skirt that would otherwise be too matchy-matchy.
Fossee the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Fossee the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Spirits are high at Kute’n’Krispy! Our loyal reader Fosse wrote in this morning to tell us what a huge fan of the blog he is. Domo Arigato Fosse!

In other news, KFC is trying to make amends after the Oprah show disaster! They meant well but many of us took a cab to the Richmond only to find this:

KFC Oprah

KFC Oprah

Boba is delicious but not after you drove accross town dreaming of fried meat. Needless to say we had a bad taste in our greasy mouths until this week when KFC announced their new deal:

12 piece chicken, 4 bisquits, 2 sides all for $9.99*

*The only catch is that to use the coupon you are required to unthink KFC.

simba the long haired chihuahua

Simba from San Diego

This is Simba. He lives in San Diego and loves to eat Pho! Gulty Pleasures: starring at the sun, cereal snacks, sticking his tongue out at you

Is Simba the cutest long haired chihuahua ever?! You decide.  Let us know what you think!
